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Journal : Informasi Interaktif

Informasi Interaktif Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Informasi Interaktif
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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          Database is an important part of information system, one of the role of database system that is as source of information for information system. Information system alumni of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu is a web-based application that uses MySQL as its database system. Evaluation is done to identify the errors that exist in the database SIAUMB, after the evaluation on the database there are some errors in the database SIAUMB, including errors in the relation, field, key, constraint, record, query, adding data (insert), change data (update) and deletion of data (delete). Future databases can produce an alumni information system capable of providing exploratory information quickly, easily and accurately and able to assist the parties concerned in making management decisions alumni Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu. Then can be done new database design with reference to result of evaluation which have been done. After that, data quality testing on aspects of accuracy and non-duplicate aspects, testing is done by executing query, each query that executed will generate record and result column then compared between new database with old database before evaluation. Keywords : Database, Alumnus, Evaluation
Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Rumah Makan Kabayan Kota Bengkulu Berbasis Web Yetman Erwadi; Sri Handayani; Ahmad Muchsin
Informasi Interaktif Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Informasi Interaktif
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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A restaurant is a place of business whose scope of activity is to provide food and beverage services to the public at its place of business. One of the restaurants that became the object of research in this final project is the Kabayan restaurant which provides a variety of food menus. In this restaurant service is still conventional in that the service for ordering food still uses paper media to record the order so that it allows errors due to negligence of the waiter, as well as the lack of notification for customers about food availability and information on the status of the food menu. This causes the food menu process to be less effective. Therefore a food menu application was built that can minimize the problems that occur in the process of selecting food and provide the information needed by customers and owners so that it can improve service. This application was built using the waterfall system development method and UML modeling, with the PHP programming language and database creation using MySLQ. In implementing this application, customers can make food menus that have been provided by the restaurant owner.